Saturday, June 19, 2010


today is a very very sad day for me
because today is the day i'll be driving my dear mini cooper for the last time
haihz..gonna sell it off ald~
she's the 1st car that i drove after i got me license
at 1st complain that the steering wheel is fucking hard and all
then as the time goes by,
i became used to it
used to be very very careful with it
cos scare i'll scratch my babe
but as i drove it for the last time
i couldn't care less
i rev my heart out
i put the petal to the metal
and for the last time,i listen to the sweet engine sound
i think my dear car would be happy too
that for the last time i actually drove her in a 'wild' way
so this is a post to my dear mini cooper
which i parted with an hour ago
the day you and i go on separate ways
i will miss you
cos your the very 1st car that i've driven
those sweet sweet memories will always be in my mind

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


it's ald 12+am and yet i'm wide awake
was sleeping soundly until got a call
a call abt comeone complaining me
apparently i made the girl felt uncomfortable
what? i'm a stalker now?
but i might as well be after that call
thinking back,
i was just simply asking some general questions
general as in not about her personal stuff
and yet she feels uncomfortable
yeah,maybe being single over the past 20 years have made me
desperate eventhough i doubt it sometimes
but i guess actions speaks louder than words
and apparently my actions seems like i'm hitting on her i guess
but the thing i don't get it is
if she felt uncomfortable,
why didn't she tell me when she was chatting with me
to save me from embarrassment?
well..tat certainly helped now tat u've told a few other ppl
thanks mate~

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A New Friend

Recently meet a new friend
she's very friendly,bubbly and pretty
not to mention quite talkative too~
her name is Lau Jia Hui
some girl which i saw during my days in tuition
but only got the guts to know her via facebook
what shock me the most is that she is so f$#^-ing friendly,
that we can chat almost instantly about almost everything
a truly good friend
tho i wonder how long will this friendship last
it's only been less than a month since we meet
and i already caused tons of trouble for her
trouble from her bf,
warning her not to sms with me too much
and i too got a warning from a friend of her
a warning not to sms her again
kinda difficult to be friend with her
but i'm happy that i am a friend of her
she's damn funny sometimes,
especially when she's blur
i know some of her friends might read my post
but i don give a shit
she's a good friend and if they can't accept it
then so be it
it's not like i'm 'hitting' on her or something
-peace out ya'll-

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


People always say the first time is always the hardest
but what about the second? the third? or maybe the fourth?
Rejection is never an easy thing to deal with
no matter how much rejection you've faced before
it is always something that hurts
deep within your heart

Loving someone is easy
but loving someone who doesn't love you is no easy job
those they might try different words or sentence
to decline your feeling
not even the most gentle words or expression will help

Nobody is at fault
not the one loving nor the one being loved
there is no right or wrong in Love
there is only the feeling,the time and the place
only when there's feeling at the right moment and at the right place
will Love blossom
that is the nature of Love

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


it's time to choose
to give up or to keep on with this feeling
love is a double-edge knife
it's the reason for the happiness
but also the reason for the sadness
there was a short moment in time where i felt the happiness
but unfortunately,
it is still just a moment
and because it is a moment which i cherish
it is hard for me to let go
letting go doesn't mean that my feeling for you has gone
because i know that by letting go
i'm actually doing what's best for you
you wish to be just a normal friend
while i want something more
this kind of relationship will only ruin us
maybe letting go is for the best

Sunday, March 7, 2010


was thinking of you again...
i've know known you for less than a year
and your already making yourself cozy at the back of my mind
i find myself thinking of your smile whenever i'm down
and looking at your photo just make my day
you told me to give up on you
but it's not that easy to let go
not that it was ever within my grasp for that matter
it is something that i wish for everyday
that someday i'll be in the same photo as you

there was a short period of time
when we talk on the phone till early morning
that was the best time ever
i've never felt that way
i've never felt so close with someone i had a crush on
it was a feeling that is still lingering in my mind
and i wish for those day to come again...
to come and never leave

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A nice song

this song was introduces to me by a friend of mine
when i'm feeling down after i got my stpm result
it's a very nice song
helps to lift my spirit a bit
can't say it's a miracle healer
but the lyrics gave some hope
hearing this song makes me believe that
i just might make it through
i just hope that i'm really this strong
sometimes all u need is
a wonderful song and a hug from someone u love
but i'll just have to make do with the 1st one
(sadly i don't know how to put the video from youtube)