Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Beauty Pageant

Went to a beauty pageant contest organized by a church name City Harvest (if I'm not mistaken) at Sunway Pyramid convention center yesterday... our very friend Miss Joan Tan Pui Leng made it to the top 10 finalist... so Ivy,Yan Lin,Joanne,Yuen Phing,Sim,Chee Hao,me and also her boyfriend Desmond went to cheer 4 her... Pui Leng's family was there too... we started shouting her name like mad man when the screen showed a short clip of her.. IN A SPORT OUTFIT!!! damn~! she look sexy... as she walk up the stage i was like.. gosh! she looked so gorgeous in the evening gown,make up and also the silky hair... she look so damn freaking gorgeous that i almost forgot what i was there to do... TO CHEER!!!! yeah!!! JOAN!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! after the Q&A section it was the prize giving moment that we have all been waiting for... we waited so nervously and finally the MC announced the 1st runner up is.... JOAN TAN!!!! the whole lot of us jumped up in joy and started cheering like mad man... although she only got 1st runner up but she is still the prettiest in our heart.. c'mon she's only 18! there's still a lot of chance for her to shine... after the beauty pageant contest.. we enjoyed some cool and rock christian songs played by a band from the church City Harvest... after the cheering and dancing along with the song we walked out the room and started looking for Pui Leng.. we talk and talk and joked.. she even pat my head.. ^^ -smiling in joy- it's not everyday i got pat by a beauty pageant you know... too bad my seat was quite far away from the stage so i couldn't get any photo of her... but i'll ask from Desmond and hopefully I'll be able to upload it as soon as possible... PUI LENG YOUR THE BEST!!!! LUV YA!!

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