Sunday, October 19, 2008


today i finally get to drive all by myself...
after getting my license for around half a year
i was finally given the chance to drive alone...
the feeling of nobody looking at u from the passenger seat was....
i started my drive by going to fetch chi han... he felt uneasy tho... haha
then off we go... to Ridz's Hari Raya Open House...
luckily i went there early... still got some parking space...
i had to double check everything to make sure i dont screw my chance of driving again..
had fun eating at ridz's house... sim, wilson and i was eating like nobody's business...
we kept eat and adding and eating until we were so full we had to go 4 walk at the park..
we were like kids when we reach the park...
started running towards the swing and see-saw...
played swing and see-saw while talking about our dreams in the past
and the fun times we had...
an awesome evening... looking at the bright red sky...
then fetched ivan, ren yi and shaun back home...
my first time driving so many people too...
and also my first time driving at night... nearly 4gotten to on the car lights...

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