Friday, November 14, 2008


today was the last day of my lower sixth form life...
starting from next year it's gonna be a tough year..
cos it'll be upper sixth... which means by the end of next year there's gonna be STPM...

ish.... so fast another major exam... shit la...
life is like full of these exams...
not happy with it at all... not one bit...
what to do... life goes on...

wake up at 6.00 as usual got ready, had light breakfast
and ready to go by 6.35...
stupid lrt... so slow today.. was late to school but who cares...
no people jaga also...
went the the lecture hall to meet up the guys
cos the form6 block is being quarantined for STPM...
morning morning already felt boring
so yip,hari,thiru and i started playing tai di...
haihz...budak-budak zaman sekarang...morning morning playing cards..

the quick game which we thought will end quick as there'll be physic class
turned out the opposite...
we played it the whole day... -_-"
cos teacher was busy doing some report card thingy for the lower forms
so we played until school ends...

after school... i went for lunch with thiru and the gang
while chi han stayed back at school doing god knows what
eat,talk and the walk around until it's time 4 tuition
meet up with chi han...teman him eat..
then went kolej bandar and meet up with wei han...
just when i thought i wont see her in that time session...
she came in... i don't know what to do expect act busy
started the lesson as usual
but felt uncomfortable as she sat a row behind me...

managed to ignore her 4 most of the lessons...
then quickly rush out of the room and off to the lift
so that i can avoid the embarrassment
but unfortunately her friends and her caught up
the worst was we were in the same lift...
gosh... it felt like forever
so after the lift opened, we rushed out...

and walked quickly towards the nearest lrt station...
hoping that the train will come before they catch up
but unfortunately AGAIN... the train seem to come after they reach the station
and it stopped at the same spot as me and her
ish!! we had to go into the same box...
i tried to act nothing throughout the journey
it was hard... really hard...
and the journey felt long...
gosh... it's been a rather tiring day....
trying to avoid her... but in the end failed....
damn it!!!

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