Saturday, August 9, 2008

7 girls who changed my life

everyone has a one person who did something that changed their way of thinking or even their life... but mine is a bit different... i have 7 people who changed my way of thinking towards life or rather 7 girls who taught me some valuable lessons...

First up is my dear 'sister'... known her since form 2.. she's truly a god-believer... everything she does or do will always be according to lessons she learned from The HOLY BIBLE... although I'm not a Christian but knowing her makes me feel that somehow somewhere there's a mighty God looking after everyone of us... and that we should always be grateful as we are all blessed.. one way or another.. she is also the one who taught me that Christian songs are not all slow and boring.. it can also be very very ROCK!! ROCK ON GIRL!!

Next up is a girl name koo ai ying.. she was my working colleague during my part-time work while waiting for SPM result... she's quite an emo queen.. she's been emo-ing since the first time i meet her.. if there's anything that she taught me, it'll be the harsh working life that she experienced.. being same age as me.. she's been working since form 3.. thus,she always reminds me that the world outside is different from what i known and that people can sometimes be decisive.. it's weird but she's the one that taught me not to trust people easily..

The third person who inspired me is she.. she is as lovely as her name.. Angel Lam Yan Yan.. yup! Angel~~ we once learn violin from the same teacher... but she is far too talented and she practice everyday without fail unlike me, so she bypass me in no time... although she is only 15, she's already a great violinist.. i can still remember my first orchestra performance with her and some other friends.. the way she dress caught the eye of my mom and i.. she is super hot with that leather mini skirt and pure white blouse.. sadly she moved to Australia early this year.. it'll be a long time until i can see her again.. she gave me a purpose to sharpen my violin skills so that i can catch up with her... Yan Yan i wont lost to you!! you better come back soon!! miss you girl!!

I always believe that meeting friends online will never work especially when that person is a hot chick.. but Amelia Ho a.k.a Little Miss Princess Shuga Shorty proves me wrong, she is the first person that i meet online that I'm still in contact with while others just disappeared.. i never expected that meeting friends online can last for more than 4 months but i have been friends with her for more than a year.. she's like my latest 'whatz up' magazine.. i get all the hit topic like latest music and all from her.. in other words.. she changed my life by keeping me updated.. lolz... oh! and she likes to snap photos of herself.. she call herself a cam whore but i say your just being confident of yourself.. cam whore is kinda rude..

She is yet another person whom i meet online and continued to keep in contact up until now...Janice Goh is the name.. she's a girl who has very low self-esteem compare to Amelia... the first thing she'll ask when we chat is asking me whether the girl that she meet in friendster pretty or not.. sometimes she worries too much... and yet she is a good friend to talk to but mostly i'm the one who listen.. she is pretty when she smiles but because she worries too much.. the lovely smile of hers is hard to be seen.. :p from her i've learned how to be patient and to listen to other people's problems.. and I'm getting addicted to it.. makes me feel like I'm needed..

As you can see this gorgeous lady here is very gorgeous indeed.. she's the first girl that i took up my courage to walk over to take her e-mail address.. not cos i had a crush on her but cos of her lovely and friendly smile.. she was in the same tuition center as i am when we're form 4.. i can still remember the first thing my friend said was 'wow! she is gorgeous' when she first walk into the room.. fortunately she sat in front of me and shockingly we had quite a lot to talk about.. we shared and exchanged songs and books which we like and not to mention the love for Christian songs AND watching live orchestra!!.. all in all.. she taught me that someone has to make the first step in knowing others.. if i wasn't brave enough to walk over and ask for her e-mail address.. i would not have meet such a good friend..

Lastly is Joan Tan Pui Leng a.k.a Ah Tan(the one on the right).. she's been my classmate since form 3.. she is a gorgeous lady with a loud laugh.. you can hear her laughter even at the end of the street.. she has a big warm heart that is willing to help her friends in anyway possible.. and now she is taking up the challenge to not only help her friends but also to help others by becoming a nurse.. YUP! a nurse.. if there is anymore people as gorgeous as her becoming a nurse.. I'm sure a lot of guys are willing to be sick cos i know i would.. :P in my 3 years of knowing her.. she taught me that the love bond between us friends are very precious and that it will always be in our heart.. forever.. Pui Leng, you are an angel sent from heaven!! God bless you~

P.s: there is no particular reason for me to write this except to show you girls how much i appreciate you and our friendship.. and it's just a coincident that 5 out of 7 girls above are Christian.. and no, i don't have any grudge against any religious.. as for guys.. don't worry.. I'll make a list too.. just that the title wont be '7 guys who changed my life' cos it sounds gay... i wouldn't want people to think that it's my gay list..

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