Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Lost Of Friend

14th September... a day of joy for Chinese as it was the mid-autumn festival... a day where family gather for mooncakes and lantern playing... as the old chinese saying... 月圆人团圆 which means reunion... but unfortunately on this very day one family was shocked by the news that their family member died... to me he was a senior who had gone through life, a team member who is very good in football and a friend who gave me advise about life...
i will always remember you my friend... although we've only known each other of only 3 years but i will forever cherish the futsal moments we had together.... thanks for playing wif us even though our team may not be a great team... i will always remember your view of life and the will to live a greater and better life for yourself or for those around... it is a lifetime lesson that u have taught me...
rest in peace my friend... eventhough u are not here physically... but the memories of u will always stay with us... Eternally...

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