Thursday, October 2, 2008


tonight i went to a farewell gathering organized for ee sien... she' goin Japan 4 studies... and god knows when will she be back...
a gorgeous girl with a great personality...
very soft-spoken and polite... sometimes too polite tho...
cos sometimes she speaks so soft that i cant seem to hear what she said...
it's sad to know that she'll be leaving us to study overseas....
I hope we'll see each other soon...


xXyanXx said...

don't be so down..
be optimistic..
like the way I know u..
cheer up~

Leaderene said...
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Leaderene said...

Hey, this may not be my business or whatever but you know what, if youre always thinking like that, it will be like that. I'm talking about you thinking that the conversations that you have are pathetic. ( you did not say it's pathetic but it kinda sound like it is)

Look, it just takes time for you to figure out the TRUE YOU that truly entertains people. But, if youre thinking so negatively and posting such things, people will also think about you negatively. Im talking about this through experience and seriously, don't give up trying.

Hope everything works out for you. :)