Thursday, March 4, 2010


i feel very depressed now..very~
today i took a day leave from work to visits some private Uni along with wei han
hoping that somehow my result will be accepted
first stop~! Metropolitan~!!
was kinda scared as i have to go in alone
cos wei han can't find a parking spot
so in i go.. was feeling smart as i walk pass the hall...
feel like i'm a real Uni student
walk into the counselor's office and filled in some form
then came the counselor...she was kind and we speak casually
until she ask me about my result
there is no way to make it seem better
and what she told me was
'sorry dear but we can't accept you into our degree course'
it was kinda expected and i think to myself
'hey! there's still a few others down the street'
so on to the next college,Segi college
the first impression i got from there was.. it's easier to find parking
but the lift was crappy...
the counselor was as always..friendly
but this time i was given a hope
i was told that i can study degree in business with my result!!
i was starting to believe there was hope for me
the fees can be paid with the help of ptptn
i can see my problems solved
for the next 2 stops i was too happy to focus
but i knew that somewhere along the conversation
they were saying 'sorry but i'm afraid...'
i gave no shit to them as i happily went home
happy moments doesn't seem to last
when i told my mom about my 'achievements'
she told me not to get loan
she'll use my life savings to get me through
i was like wtf
why?! we can get loan...
using her lifetime saving is like saying
'i'm betting my everything on you son'
i can feel a tremendous pressure on my shoulders
haihz... that is what you get when u fail a major exam
no more fun,careless high school times...
life's a bitch~

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